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Books by Glori Beldorai

The Prompting 
by Glori Beldorai
ISBN: 978-0-9784367-0-4
Pages: 383
Subject: Personal Growth/
Price: $29.95

The Prompting 

The Prompting is intended to be disturbing, shocking and entertaining. It will make you laugh and cry and lift you to feel empowered to make a difference in a world lost in the insanity of greed, fear, and violence. For underlying each word is the spirit of exploration, love, compassion, hope and the revelation of a solution so pure and simple the unconscious human mind will surely resist. 

In the novel - based on actual events - Glori Beldorai has done what no one else has thought to do. Using the ancient art of story-telling she has brought to light the inherited dysfunction in our thinking found in the whole range of human experience: mind, body, and spirit, individual, cultural and environmental. She shows how this acts as a “disconnect” from what is actually taking place in reality and is the cause of our suffering - from disease to the destruction of the planet. 

As one of the major characters, Thomas awakens to a new dimension of seeing and being beyond his limited thinking mind, we too, can choose to consciously participate in our own evolution to experience the healing of ourselves and the earth. 


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The 5 - Minute Veg Meal Method provides delicious, healthy plant-powered meals that can be put together in a snap. You can build one meal or more, and friends and family can even take charge of creating their own versions and preferences. There are no rules when making a meal. You don't have to measure; you can use ingredients that you like. Roasted, baked, steamed, "fried" in vegetable broth, or raw; served hot, cold or in between. And there are easy recipes provided that can be prepared in under 10 minutes that will give your meals "Pop" plus - we've included example meals.

The 5 - Minute Veg Meal Method
by Glori Beldorai
ISBN:  unregistered
Pages: 172
Subject: Lifestyle, Diet, Recipes

Price: $19.95


In Spanish Pura Vida translates as “Pure Life”.  It is an expression to celebrate life, but it also recognizes that at times it can be mysterious and filled with inconsistencies. So they say: “Hey, that’s the way life is; we can still enjoy it. Pura Vida!” 

That’s what this book is saying: Make the best of the best! Misconceptions about food are explained, and what and how much to eat for maximum energy. There are guidelines with basic how-to’s all in a simple easy plan that can lead to extraordinary health results. Included, are lots of delicious recipes that are fast, easy, creative, and inexpensive plus information on making the transition - reducing cooked foods and adding more fresh fruits and vegetables - to a “life-eating style” that supports health, fitness, and nutrition. 

Everything in Pura Vida! celebrates living - free from disease, vibrant vitality, and a long dynamic life - so you can enjoy every moment you’ve got!


Note: When possible, please order online through the publisher:

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 Major retailers take virtually all of the profit.

Pura Vida! 
by Glori Beldorai
ISBN: 978-0-9784367-1-1
Pages: 262
Subject: Lifestyle, Diet, Recipes
Price: $19.95

WHOLE SUMS for Conscious Living 

This book is a collection of progressive writings on evolving consciousness. The independent-minded reader will find this collection to constitute new and startling insights to arouse, support new thought, and encourage taking up living from full power and on all levels of being. 

The writings can also offer renewed hope and direction, instilling a reverence for life and conditions to those who desperately need it by showing the colossal wisdom and all-encompassing providence within their own bodies. The only real professional – the ultimate authority – is the momentous wisdom within us all. 


Note: When possible, please order online through the publisher:

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 Major retailers take virtually all of the profit.


WHOLE SUMS for Conscious Living

by Glori Beldorai
ISBN: 978-0-9784367-2-8
Pages: 127
Subject: Personal Growth/
Healing, Nutrition, Sex, Awakening

Price: $12.95

The Simple Direct Path to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness

Material living puts its faith in forms of good. Spiritual living makes use of what has created the form: Consciousness. Both spiritual revelation and science has shown that whatever we hold in consciousness becomes the substance of our world.

Consciousness, the secret of life, determines our experiences. Discovery of this secret and living in the Fifth Dimension is the primary purpose of our presence in the world of matter and energy. Toward this, each individual must learn to utilize their inherent capacity to transcend the limitation imposed by universal belief and to live a full and complete life here and now.

The Simple Direct Path is a guidebook to the attainment of inner peace, joy, and a more meaningful existence for those who are seriously seeking a centre of self and a personal answer to the meaning of Being in everyday living. Direct and clear guidance is given on how the mind can surpass its apparent limitations and become what it is intended to be: an instrument for free flowing Being. 


Note: When possible, please order online through the publisher:

Volumes Direct at

 Major retailers take virtually all of the profit.

The Simple Direct Path to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness 

by Glori Beldorai

Pages: 81
Subject: Personal Growth/
Price: $9.95

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